Monday, September 12, 2011

Paranormal activity 1-2-3

Finally something worth writing down so I don't forget!

 After an epic day of football and Frisbee at my friends house we sat around a fire till 1AM. We were talking about movies and how Paranormal Activity 3 is coming out next month which ended up in a conversation about demons, the devil n' such.  My friend said that demons hate it when people say "I claim the blood of Jesus Christ".

For the nest week and a half I couldn't get to sleep without having the feeling something was watching and if I opened my eyes I would see who know what, or something classic would happen like my covers would slowly start to be pulled off.

I put it off but it got to be very annoying so I was like ok just pray about it and then what my friend said came to mind so I would just repeat it over and over.

Not only was I able to get to sleep but I had a dream.
The dream took place like I was watching it happen to myself from a distance. I was standing in what seemed like a big, run down warehouse. There were two angels holding me with chains and a demon in front of me screaming and its face would warp into different, horror movie-ish faces. It stood about 8 feet tall and was made up of swirling black wisps of smoke. The face was magnified it seemed. It looked a lot the dementors from harry potter. The Angels then faded, but the chains they were holding were still pulled taught,  holding me back from the demon.

I woke up shortly after that but what I got from that dream was that even when I can't see the protection it's still there and God will always protect me and is always bigger than the devil.

 It looked kinda like that. with faces like this

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