Monday, September 12, 2011

Paranormal activity 1-2-3

Finally something worth writing down so I don't forget!

 After an epic day of football and Frisbee at my friends house we sat around a fire till 1AM. We were talking about movies and how Paranormal Activity 3 is coming out next month which ended up in a conversation about demons, the devil n' such.  My friend said that demons hate it when people say "I claim the blood of Jesus Christ".

For the nest week and a half I couldn't get to sleep without having the feeling something was watching and if I opened my eyes I would see who know what, or something classic would happen like my covers would slowly start to be pulled off.

I put it off but it got to be very annoying so I was like ok just pray about it and then what my friend said came to mind so I would just repeat it over and over.

Not only was I able to get to sleep but I had a dream.
The dream took place like I was watching it happen to myself from a distance. I was standing in what seemed like a big, run down warehouse. There were two angels holding me with chains and a demon in front of me screaming and its face would warp into different, horror movie-ish faces. It stood about 8 feet tall and was made up of swirling black wisps of smoke. The face was magnified it seemed. It looked a lot the dementors from harry potter. The Angels then faded, but the chains they were holding were still pulled taught,  holding me back from the demon.

I woke up shortly after that but what I got from that dream was that even when I can't see the protection it's still there and God will always protect me and is always bigger than the devil.

 It looked kinda like that. with faces like this

Monday, July 18, 2011

I think this is becoming a venting blog for me...

The moral of this story can relate to many different scenarios

I loved to play football years ago at our old church, I looked forward to playing every Sunday after church. It was usually the older kids that would play

I made a few mistakes.

1- Thinking they wanted me to play.
2- Thinking I could keep up with the big boys
3- Thinking week after week that I'd get the ball

Looking back I was the annoying little tween who no one wanted to play but let anyways just to be nice.

Lets not make that same mistake again, shall we?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

100% of 0

Usually it seems like people are motivated by things they receive after the fact... Whether it be a paycheck after a long week of work, ice cold water after a run, employee of the month, you get the picture. When they are motivated they usually have an achievable goal they're working towards.

Oddly enough I find the reasons, or rather reason, that motivates me more than anything is something I'll never get, no matter how hard I try. It frustrates me to no end that something so untouchable can have such a driving power when it comes to motivating and directing me. It doesn't matter what I do or think, it's always there for me to pull from. During a run when you can't see because sweat is pouring into your eyes, sides cramping and legs on fire. Making moral decisions, when every feeling, every person and thing is telling you to do it.... That one untouchable, impossible reason comes screaming into my head, telling me to keep pushing or to stay strong.  Sometimes the going gets to rough and I do cave... But for the most part I can make it through.

The above picture illustrates well what that reason sometimes feels like. It's like my own little angel telling me what I should do. Again, I often go with the "feel good" devil, not going to lie. It's so easy to want to quit when things get hard.

For anyone reading this... Can't tell ya the reason ; )

Thursday, July 7, 2011

McChickens and V8

I know that I have but one follower( thank you Jenn) but anyways... I find great pleasure in having a place where one can write his thoughts down for a change. I don't often use paper because of my terrible hand writing so this provides a splendid alternative( spell check is rather handy too ;) )

       School has been a pleasant surprise being both interesting and so far, easy. There are only two people that can be annoying at times but not terribly so. I enjoy arriving to class 30 minutes early, grabbing a soda from the soda machine and sitting down, taking a minute to relax. My few minutes of peace and quiet are routinely shattered though by the two annoying class mates... coming in, gabbing away as if there is no one else there. Back to the point of taking a few minutes to relax. It is quite nice to be stuck, simply put. 30 minutes allows no time to go somewhere but plenty of time to take a breath, sip on refreshingly cold soda and forget your stressful week.

     I was greatly displease to discover that the rear tire of my motorcycle is in poor condition, having worn through the tread and right down to the metal wires inside. This is understandable, taking into account the 2,000 miles it has acquired since being  purchased in April. Replacing the tire is not the problem, the more than $250 it will take to replace the rear tire is where the problem lies. I'm afraid it can't be helped though for it is in no shape to ride as it is  

     I am extremely happy to announce that my encounters with the police have stopped, for the time being. On my home from school today I found myself listening to a song that I don't listen to often. Forgetting that the song had police sirens it it. I found my self hot, sweaty and frantically looking about trying to locate the source of the accursed sound. It was to my great relief when I finally realized a moment later the origins of the sound.
     On a much different note I would like to pose a question that as been on my mind for quite sometime. First some information  to help you understand where I'm coming from.( please feel free to correct any wrong thinking)  To my understanding  God created and placed us on Earth to worship him and spread the word. So I ask, Why were we created? I know the purpose but not the reason behind the purpose(if that makes sense). Further more, if God truly knows the future, why did he create a world destined to fail? If he knows the terror and torment of Hell, why would he create a human being, knowing(before it was born) it would end up in Hell? I could go on forever on this topic, unanswered religious question I won't 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Can't figure out what to call this one...

Two of my greatest fears... 1-Being a terrible and unworthy husband. 2- Living an, empty, routine and predicable life.

One of the reasons i'm joining the USMC is to eliminate number 2. There is a quote I read once "Some people go their entire lives wondering if they've made a difference, a United States Marine doesn't have that problem" It's not about the money, benefits, or college... although those do come as nice perks. It's about having a purpose, goals and protecting my loved ones and more that I just can't put into words. It took awhile to realized that, lots of praying and soul searching but I think I've finally come around and gotten my head on straight about what it really means to be a part of the USMC. Being a Marine will by no means be a normal, predicable life. This excites me more than you could ever know! having the chance to travel, experience new things and places, meeting new people, the list goes on and on.

With that said, it brings me to number one. Asking someone to marry you when you're in the Marines means that amazing girl having to move away from her family, friends and well... everything. I feel like that's a lot to ask of her(Whoever she might be). When deployment time comes and we're apart for months on end I never want her to think "What did I get myself into" or "This is stupid". Love is key, but it seems as though there are two locks. For all the Marines could offer us, would it be enough to weigh out all that it takes away and changes?  I don't really know how else to word it other than it's going to take one very understanding girl.

Monday, July 4, 2011


A sigh is really the only way to describe the past 7 or so days.

I'll start with last Monday. I met up with my friend in Mt.Vernon to hang out at memorial park. We decided to take my motorcycle across town, maybe two or three miles to get a frisbee. I let my friend have my helmet and I went without one. By law I don't have to have one because I have my motorcycle license. What I didn't know when the cop pulled us over was that I had to have some sort of eye wear on. I won't soon forget it with a lovely $120 ticket.

First day of Columbus State I took my bike, I figured it would be alright if I parked in the fuel efficient lot, seeing that my bike gets about 40MPG, wrong! Got a nice talking to by the campus police about that. Next class day I park in the visitors section so I can run in and grab a temp. parking permit to go park in the normal lot. Got anoooother talk from the same guy for parking in the visitors spot for all of 3 minutes.  As I am walking out of class he pulls up to me and says "I see you around here, I know your face, don't worry about the temp. permit anymore until you get the real one" I was thinking sweet... Until I realized that he not only knows me but what bike is mine.

( If anyone ever is bored enough to read this, especially this part. Nothing shall me mentioned to my parents) On my way home from my friends gard. party last night at 1 in the morning this car is going about 35mph in a 55mph. After we stop at a red light I decide to get around him real quick...  Two miles, 3 stops signs and two turns later I see the good old red and blue lights... yet again. $90 ticket for passing in a no pass zone. I literally thank God I behaved myself for those two mile because I had no idea he was behind me

On a much lighter note I hung out with some pretty amazing people! Saw my last fireworks as a civilian too!

That's enough about myself and my terrible cop filled week.