Monday, July 4, 2011


A sigh is really the only way to describe the past 7 or so days.

I'll start with last Monday. I met up with my friend in Mt.Vernon to hang out at memorial park. We decided to take my motorcycle across town, maybe two or three miles to get a frisbee. I let my friend have my helmet and I went without one. By law I don't have to have one because I have my motorcycle license. What I didn't know when the cop pulled us over was that I had to have some sort of eye wear on. I won't soon forget it with a lovely $120 ticket.

First day of Columbus State I took my bike, I figured it would be alright if I parked in the fuel efficient lot, seeing that my bike gets about 40MPG, wrong! Got a nice talking to by the campus police about that. Next class day I park in the visitors section so I can run in and grab a temp. parking permit to go park in the normal lot. Got anoooother talk from the same guy for parking in the visitors spot for all of 3 minutes.  As I am walking out of class he pulls up to me and says "I see you around here, I know your face, don't worry about the temp. permit anymore until you get the real one" I was thinking sweet... Until I realized that he not only knows me but what bike is mine.

( If anyone ever is bored enough to read this, especially this part. Nothing shall me mentioned to my parents) On my way home from my friends gard. party last night at 1 in the morning this car is going about 35mph in a 55mph. After we stop at a red light I decide to get around him real quick...  Two miles, 3 stops signs and two turns later I see the good old red and blue lights... yet again. $90 ticket for passing in a no pass zone. I literally thank God I behaved myself for those two mile because I had no idea he was behind me

On a much lighter note I hung out with some pretty amazing people! Saw my last fireworks as a civilian too!

That's enough about myself and my terrible cop filled week.


  1. SINCE I am your only follower, and thusly the only one that would comment, and thusly someone very special, heeeeerre I am to comment and make your day.

    Heheh. Half of me wants to ride on your bike sometime, and half of me is seriously scared by your driving skills (or lack thereof...?). Buuuut I'm sorry. Really. ;P I still think it's funny how scared you are of cops, but maybe you have good reasons, eh? <--canadians haha xD

    THERE. Did I make your day?! =)

  2. Well you definitely have so far with a long day of school and paying fines!

    I am truly terrified of them, the last ticket definitely will calm me down. Haha, I am very careful when I give people rides... unless they specify other wise!
