Thursday, July 7, 2011

McChickens and V8

I know that I have but one follower( thank you Jenn) but anyways... I find great pleasure in having a place where one can write his thoughts down for a change. I don't often use paper because of my terrible hand writing so this provides a splendid alternative( spell check is rather handy too ;) )

       School has been a pleasant surprise being both interesting and so far, easy. There are only two people that can be annoying at times but not terribly so. I enjoy arriving to class 30 minutes early, grabbing a soda from the soda machine and sitting down, taking a minute to relax. My few minutes of peace and quiet are routinely shattered though by the two annoying class mates... coming in, gabbing away as if there is no one else there. Back to the point of taking a few minutes to relax. It is quite nice to be stuck, simply put. 30 minutes allows no time to go somewhere but plenty of time to take a breath, sip on refreshingly cold soda and forget your stressful week.

     I was greatly displease to discover that the rear tire of my motorcycle is in poor condition, having worn through the tread and right down to the metal wires inside. This is understandable, taking into account the 2,000 miles it has acquired since being  purchased in April. Replacing the tire is not the problem, the more than $250 it will take to replace the rear tire is where the problem lies. I'm afraid it can't be helped though for it is in no shape to ride as it is  

     I am extremely happy to announce that my encounters with the police have stopped, for the time being. On my home from school today I found myself listening to a song that I don't listen to often. Forgetting that the song had police sirens it it. I found my self hot, sweaty and frantically looking about trying to locate the source of the accursed sound. It was to my great relief when I finally realized a moment later the origins of the sound.
     On a much different note I would like to pose a question that as been on my mind for quite sometime. First some information  to help you understand where I'm coming from.( please feel free to correct any wrong thinking)  To my understanding  God created and placed us on Earth to worship him and spread the word. So I ask, Why were we created? I know the purpose but not the reason behind the purpose(if that makes sense). Further more, if God truly knows the future, why did he create a world destined to fail? If he knows the terror and torment of Hell, why would he create a human being, knowing(before it was born) it would end up in Hell? I could go on forever on this topic, unanswered religious question I won't 


  1. YOU'RE WELCOME!!! :D :D :D

    And as to your question...uhmm. heh. That's tough. I mean, we're meant to bring God glory, yes. But as to why God would create someone he knew would end up in hell...I don't know. I guess that's one of God's extra dimensions we just don't get to understand.

  2. I don't really expect a decent answer for the question. Like you said, it's just something we're not able to understand!
