Tuesday, July 12, 2011

100% of 0

Usually it seems like people are motivated by things they receive after the fact... Whether it be a paycheck after a long week of work, ice cold water after a run, employee of the month, you get the picture. When they are motivated they usually have an achievable goal they're working towards.

Oddly enough I find the reasons, or rather reason, that motivates me more than anything is something I'll never get, no matter how hard I try. It frustrates me to no end that something so untouchable can have such a driving power when it comes to motivating and directing me. It doesn't matter what I do or think, it's always there for me to pull from. During a run when you can't see because sweat is pouring into your eyes, sides cramping and legs on fire. Making moral decisions, when every feeling, every person and thing is telling you to do it.... That one untouchable, impossible reason comes screaming into my head, telling me to keep pushing or to stay strong.  Sometimes the going gets to rough and I do cave... But for the most part I can make it through.

The above picture illustrates well what that reason sometimes feels like. It's like my own little angel telling me what I should do. Again, I often go with the "feel good" devil, not going to lie. It's so easy to want to quit when things get hard.

For anyone reading this... Can't tell ya the reason ; )

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